Our mission is to preserve this National Historic Landmark for future generations. Preservation work ranges from major restorations to infrastructure and historical buildings to collecting, cataloging, and storing artifacts, documents, and photographs from the Mill’s 275+ year history. We are grateful to donors, grantors, volunteers, and affiliates for making this essential work possible.
Preservation of artifacts and documents
HUB CatalogIt of artifacts and historical documents
The catalog provides public access to hundreds of images and descriptions of artifacts and historical documents, organized chronologically by the eras of the different millers who owned and operated the Mill.
Image: A metal bread maker, dough mixer with dough hook, and turning handle.
Ursinis College Mill at Anselma collection
The collection includes the life and legacy of poet Sara Oberholzer, wife of a long-time Anselma miller John Oberholzer, as well as a collection of oral histories about the Mill.
Image: Photograph of Sara Oberholtzer that appeared in a book about "women of the century," published in 1893.
Hagley Museum Mill at Anselma digital library
The digital library contains eight interviews conducted in 1982, 1986, and 2001 with individuals familiar with the Mill at Anselma, including members of the Collins family (the last residents of the mill), as well as other Chester County locals.
Image: Oliver E. Collins, the last miller at The Mill at Anselma.
Recent restoration and improvement projects
2024: Water wheel
When the Mill was first constructed in 1747, the water wheel that was installed by the first Miller, Samuel Lightfoot, was made of wood. In 1906, Allen Simmons, the Miller at the time, replaced the wood water wheel with one made of steel. That water wheel has been working for over 100 years, receiving repairs as needed over the years. By 2023, it was clear the 117-year-old wheel was in need of major restoration. Through the generosity of donors, volunteers, and restoration experts, the waterwheel received a significant refurbishment in 2024 that should last for another 20+ years.
2018: Bread oven
In 2018, a Colonial-era bread oven was added to the Mill homestead. The design reproduces outdoor ovens that were common in the 1700’s, when home cooks managed the temperature through the amount of wood they used and by feeling the heat with their hands to decide when the temperature was right. The oven is used for educational purposes and special events, when skilled cooks give visitors 18th century baking demonstrations using flour ground at the Mill.
Selected Historic Household Objects from the Mill at Anselma Collection
How many objects can you identify?

Answers 1st Row, left to right: Apple Corer, Cherry Pitter, Coffee Grinder, Hair Cutter. 2nd Row, left to right: Ice Cream Scoop, Iron Trivet, Match Safe, Milk Jug, Receipt Box. 3rd Row, left to right: Pocket Watch Chain, Moistener, Potato Masher, Hand Pump, Razor.
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